Together, we build governing power for reproductive freedom.
Vote Pro-Choice empowers voters with registration resources, election information, and a comprehensive voter guide with recommendations at every level of the ballot.
Our candidates champion abortion access and comprehensive reproductive healthcare in city halls, state houses, and everywhere in between.

The political home for America’s pro-choice majority
In 2024, we’re focused on winning key local elections, change-making state contests, and historic ballot initiatives across the country.
Vote Pro-Choice 2024 priority areas currently include Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Take the pledge to Vote Pro-Choice in 2024 in every race on the ballot!
Recent wins: Virginia 2023
Pro-choice candidates won majorities in the Virginia state legislature and beyond
The Virginia 2023 election was the largest single-state investment in our history! Now, Vote Pro-Choice alums have proposed a state constitutional amendment to guarantee permanent abortion access in Virginia.

Our winning programs included:
Battleground districts included in message testing
Texts sent by trained volunteers to engage voters on abortion access
Candidates in hyper-competitive races earned direct support
Virginians reached via mail, social, or video streams about competitive races
Endorsed candidates featured in the Vote Pro-Choice Virginia voter guide
Voters received the
Vote Pro-Choice Virginia voter guide, produced in partnership with Planned Parenthood Votes
Situation Status
states ban most abortions, with 4 more state bans at 15-20 weeks
of patients denied abortion care end up in poverty
more low income women experience unintended pregnancy than affluent women

Take Action
Sign up to receive your personalized pro-choice voter guide, register to vote, check your voter registration, and find your polling place.
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Add your name to call for immediate action from people in power.
Support our work in electing pro-choice candidates up and down the ballot everywhere.