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Our Work

Our Purpose and Vision

Vote Pro-Choice works to build governing power for reproductive freedom, ensuring that our leaders support policies championing things like abortion access, birth control availability, and science-based sex ed so that every person can start or grow their family on their terms. 

Every elected office—from school board to county commissioner to the state legislature—has a role in protecting reproductive freedom, which is why Vote Pro-Choice specifically supports candidates at the state and local levels. 

Our communities are our first line of defense and our first opportunity to build a world with comprehensive reproductive freedom.


Since 2016...

Person of color's hand holding up a smart phone displaying the VoteProChoice Voter Guide
pro-choice voter protesting
pro-choice voters using the VoteProChoice voter guide

84.4 million

Pro-choice voters engaged

64.3 million

Voter Guides distributed


Pro-choice endorsements

Candidates coached



Candidates researched

Win rate in some of the toughest races in the country!



Vote Pro-Choice is dedicated to transformative
election strategy.


Engaging & Expanding our pro-choice majority

As a full-cycle organization, we empower voters at every stage of an election cycle, from registration to engagement, education, and turn-out.


Abortion access and reproductive freedom are important on-ramp issues for young people, often serving as a catalyst to bring first-time or infrequent voters into civic participation.


That’s why we educate voters on how to vote, the impacts of election victories, and which candidates are pro-choice so that every voter has the information they need to make a difference at the ballot box.

Image of a laptop computer showing the voteprochoice voter guide on an internet browser
A hand of a young black woman holding a phone featuring the voteprochoice voter guide
Image of a young asian woman listening to another woman who is coaching her
Voteprochoice candidates enaging on Act.TV for choice
Image from Act.Tv of VoteProChoice candidates

Vote Pro-Choice backs candidates who advocate not just for abortion rights but also for gender equality and comprehensive reproductive freedom.


  • Vote Pro-Choice has endorsed more than 2,500 candidates, 89% at the state and local levels.

  • 73% of Vote Pro-Choice endorsed candidates are women

  • 43% of Vote Pro-Choice endorsed candidates are women of color. 

  • Nearly 50% of endorsed candidates receive personal campaign coaching from the Vote Pro-Choice team.

We have a win rate of 65% in some of the toughest races across the country.

Pro-Choice Candidates

Join us in 2024 & beyond!

Vote Pro-Choice works with dozens of partners—including coalition groups, media organizations, national reproductive rights groups, state-based organizations, and everything in between—to co-create strategy and aligned execution. 

We strive to be always collaborative, never duplicative.
Image of a young white woman protesting at a rally holding a megaphone

We are proud to work in partnership with 

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